The lights on your system vary between Redback models. Your Homeowner Guide will contain in-depth information about your system’s lights and their functions and should be your first point of reference.  

Near each light on your system will be a text label describing the light’s purpose. As a general guide, here is an overview of the lights you may be seeing and what it means if that light is active: 

  • System Ready – The health of the system.  
  • Solar Array – If your solar panels are connected.  
  • Utility Grid – If your system is connected to the grid.  
  • Energy flow – If your system is importing or exporting.  
  • Communications – If your system is communicating or available.  
  • Battery – If your batteries are present and active.  
  • Backup Power – If your system is utilising the backup power.   
  • EMS – Communications availability.  
  • Network – If your system is connected to the internet.